Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hormones, Depression and Perspective

There comes a point of time in a guy's life, when he feels like " Ah, i wish i had someone to hold on to, just to hold on tight". According to my experience ( which is rather small but painful enough to write about ), this thought process that exhibits the characteristics of the needy and the "clingy", starts in college.

The break-up/no girl syndrome:
People tend to channel this need in several ways, lets say, listen to music, porn ( more often used ), or just watch paint dry ( akin to a depressed soul ). I think a person really understands the meaning of " a lonely heart " at this stage of his life. They conclude by saying " I m better off single .... phbbbbtt who needs girls anyway ".

Frustration leads to boredom, leads to more frustration eventually turning a sane and stable mind into this attention deficit frame of mind, that just cant handle happiness, even though, that is exactly what it seeks.

I've been feeling this way lately. I've decided to stop listening to slow and easy listening music ( which i feel gets you into "love" mode ) and start listening to death metal ( hey! anything that can get me off my ass and stop thinking about chicks ). But, the more you block it out the harder it gets to stop thinking about it.

Surrounded by assholes:
The only thing worse than not having someone, is seeing everyone around you "happily in love". Oh, how cruel life is. You start seeing things that you've never even given heed to. The sudden outburst of "public display of affection" just staring you right in the face. Something basic like hanging out with friends becomes a pain-in-the-ass experience because, YUPP your friends are dating each other. OK, i m happy for you guys, but have some consideration for the depressed, lowlife here!! Just don't shove the happiness in my face !!

Alcoholics anonymous:
Whoever said alcohol doesnt solve problems was sober as a rock. As long as you're drunk, you feel good about yourself and that's all that matters. So fucks you hippies, i m happy just let me be.

Just leave it to fate:
So, now is the time you realize you're not doing anyone a favor by being a pusillanimous moron ( which pretty much occured to me when i realised i m writing a blog about this ). Just feel sorry for your hormones and sigh each time it acts up. Try and meet up with your "friends" when they're alone and not together with their significant other. MOST IMPORTANTLY keeping yourself occupied. The worst thing you can do when you're single and lonely is lie on your bed and ponder. What do you think you'll think of ... science ??? !!!! Get out of the room. Go to the gym. Play some sport. Go for a drive. Study for that subject that's been bugging you. Get some work done around the house. GET YOUR ASS TO WORK !!!

Its not an easy thing to do, we all go through it. Just remember, as long as you are working, you aint jerking.

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